Pásztortűz Csillaga Sebaj pumi male «a Kutya» magazine 1998/1 |
Mocskos Nyertes pumi male «a Kutya» magazine 1999/4 |
Ebugatta Kristály pumi male «a Kutya» magazine 2000/11 |
Ebugatta Kristály pumi male «Puli, Pumi, Mudi» book 1996 |
Szürkebarát Obsit pumi male «Puli, Pumi, Mudi» book 2000 |
Szürkebarát Micsoda Mázli pumi female «Fergeteges örökségünk» book 2003 |
Ebugatta Kristály pumi male on the postcard published by MEOE for the WORLD DOG SHOW in Budapest. 1996 |
Ebugatta Kristály pumi male on the pull-out published by MEOE for the WORLD DOG SHOW in Budapest. 1996 |
Pásztortűz Csillaga Borzas pumi female Advertisement for the all CACIB dog shows in Hungary in the year 1999,
when the Hungarian Kennel Club (MEOE) had his 100th birthday. |
Szürkebarát Csalogány pumi female on the membership card of Hungarian Kennel Club 2007 |
Szürkebarát Csalogány pumi female Advertisement for the dog food «Happy Dog» 2007 |
Szürkebarát Csalogány pumi female on the postcard published in Italy 2008 |